Improve your performance on the shopfloor!


  ✓   Accurate registrations

  ✓   Build product genealogy

  ✓   Track critical KPI’s such as yield

High-tech manufacturing process utilizing 24Flow’s traceability solutions

Challenges for high-tech companies

The high-tech manufacturing sector counts many niche companies that serve customers worldwide in a very specific market segment. In production, batch sizes are often small, up to a single sample, and product customization may be required. Manufacturing traceability is crucial to ensure precise tracking of materials and processes. The shopfloor is frequently organized based on a one-piece flow between cells rather than batch production. Quality control is paramount and yield is an important metric to be tracked.

Granular Time Registration
0 %
Production Traceability
0 %
Lead Time Reduction
0 %

High-tech companies achieve highly performing shopfloor operations with 24Flow

Start & stop time registrations for operations by scanning barcodes or QR-codes.

Build a product genealogy and track component serial numbers used in production.

Track critical KPIs such as yield, lead time and delivery reliability.

Digitalizing your operations and shop floor is the first step towards implementing Industry 4.0.

Talk to our experts and find out how to get started.


24Flow is a modular shop floor management and production scheduling platform that empowers discrete manufacturers to reduce lead times through digital support of operators and management. Inspired by lean and QRM, 24Flow controls the flow of production orders which increases visibility and results in shorter lead times, improved delivery reliability and a reduction of work-in-progress and inventory.

+32 9 396 91 71


Dublinstraat 31/010
9000 Ghent

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