24Flow accelerates your journey to the factory of the future

24Flow has a strong focus on reducing lead times where products are manufactured smartly in small batch sizes. This approach reduces overhead costs, lowers WIP, inventory & scrap and increases quality. In short, smart production reduces waste and boosts the sustainability and eco-friendliness of the production process.

Factory-of-the-Future is a recognition awarded by Agoria (the Belgian employers’ organization) to future-oriented manufacturing companies, with the goal to secure a sustainable manufacturing future in Belgium. The resilience and technology adoption of these companies are evaluated according to 7 criteria.


  1. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
  2. Integrated Engineering
  3. Digital Factory
  4. Human Centered Organization
  5. Networked Factory
  6. Eco Factory
  7. Smart Manufacturing

Factory-of-the-Future Award

24Flow and the Factory-of-the-Future

24Flow is a modular, human-centered operations platform. For manufacturing companies that aim to evolve towards a factory of the future, digital technology is indispensable. Many of the concepts that form the basis of 24Flow align with the criteria adopted by Factory-of-the-Future.

Digital factory

24Flow enables the digital factory where paper gets eliminated and processes are digitized to the maximum extent. The digital production-order that gathers all production-related information digitally, is a perfect example of that approach.


24Flow is a human-centered operations platform that believes in the power of people. 24Flow creates visibility for operators on the shopfloor. This fosters agility, resilience and ownership.


24Flow discloses data from the shopfloor to all internal stakeholders. This information can also be shared with third parties in a broader ecosystem. Consequently, 24Flow also remains closely aligned with the concept of a networked factory.

Case Study - Altachem Factory of the Future

Altachem received the Factory of the Future award in 2023 and is a long time user of the 24Flow platform. Learn more about the Altachem use case.

Digitalizing your operations and shop floor is the first step towards implementing Industry 4.0.

Talk to our experts and find out how to get started.


24Flow is a modular shop floor management and production scheduling platform that empowers discrete manufacturers to reduce lead times through digital support of operators and management. Inspired by lean and QRM, 24Flow controls the flow of production orders which increases visibility and results in shorter lead times, improved delivery reliability and a reduction of work-in-progress and inventory.


+32 9 396 91 71


Dublinstraat 31/010
9000 Ghent

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